Saturday, September 21, 2024

Baking Time Again!

 I like to bake when the weather begins to cool down.  Of all the foods I love, fresh baked bread is one of my favorites.  There is something very satisfying about creating something so delicious with just a few ingredients.

These bread rolls are easy to make and instead of taking all day, they are done in under an hour.  I modified the recipe to make a small batch, perfect for 6 - 8 dinner rolls.


1 ½ cups all-purpose flour (1/2 – 1 cup additional as needed for dough)

1 package Rapid Rise Instant Yeast

2 Tablespoons sugar

½ teaspoon salt

½ cup warm water

2 tablespoons oil

1 egg


Heat oven to 400 degrees.

·   Mix flour, yeast, sugar and salt in medium mixing bowl.  Add water, oil and egg.  Stir until well combined.    

Knead until dough is soft and smooth.  Use additional flour if needed.

Cover and set in a warm location for 20 minutes.

Form dough into 8 balls and place on a greased sheet pan and allow to rest for 10 minutes.

Bake for 10 - 15 minutes until golden brown.

Serve warm and enjoy!

Monday, April 22, 2024

Freezer Clean Out Menu

I have always kept a well-stocked freezer.  I love having leftover meals and precooked ingredients ready to go.  It's great to come home after a trip to a nice homecooked meal without having to go to the store or order take out.

Cooking is a joy for me, but I don't want to have to do it every day just to feed myself.  I have embraced meal prep and keep the portions small, so I'm not stuck with a family size dish when all I need is 1- 2 portions.

What I do have to be careful of is keeping such a large stockpile that I can't use it before the quality suffers.  Spoilage is not usually an issue, but taste is. 

I don't like to waste food so a periodic clean out is necessary to keep everything fresh.

This week as I was preparing my shopping list, I realized that I had quite a bit of food that needed to be eaten before I purchased any more.  

With a few additional ingredients from the fridge and pantry I have over a weeks' worth of meals with very little preparation required.

I keep a file with recipes and photos for inspiration.  Time to make my new list and stock back up.

Sausage and Grits
Chicken Fried Rice

Smothered Beef Burritos

Chicken Broccoli Stew

Split Pea Soup

    Bean and Cheese Tacos

Tikka Masala

   Shrimp and Spinach Rice

Honey Bun Cake

Bon Appetit! 


Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Peaceful Journey

Being on the water takes me away from the world, drifting in a sea of peace and calm.

Beautiful St. Lucia - Windstar Cruise

Thursday, March 7, 2024


There is nothing that spurs my wanderlust more than not being able to travel. 

I love being free to just pick up and go whenever I want.

This year will prove to be a little tricker, but I have no doubt I will manage to make it happen.

My list of the yet to be discovered is growing by the day and I can't wait to explore those fantastic new horizons!